365滚球官网(UI)致力于保护您的隐私,并制定流程和程序来保护您的个人信息. This 隐私声明 applies to information submitted to UI by you or collected by UI, 包括使用UI的网站, 应用程序和服务, 并管理UI的收集方式, stores, 使用和共享您的个人信息.
更详细的描述我们的收集, use, 根据《365体育滚球》(FERPA)和《365滚球官网》(HIPAA)保护您的个人信息,以及您在这些法案下的权利,可通过以下链接获得:
- FERPA (http://vrpchu.embankflodata.com/registrar/students/studentrights)
- HIPAA (http://vrpchu.embankflodata.com/-/media/UIdaho-Responsive/Files/human-resources/Benefits/Annual-Enrollment/UI-Legal-Notices-for-Actives.ashx)
In the event of any conflict between this general privacy notice and the detailed privacy notices for these laws or the laws themselves, 以法律及/或详细通知为准.
通过向UI提供信息, you, 视情况而定, 同意本私隐声明所述的资料实务,或承认本私隐声明所述的资料实务旨在促进UI的合法权益.
UI收集个人资料, 包括个人信息, which is information concerning an individual that is created by UI or provided to UI, 包括你的名字, home address, work address, 电话号码和电子邮件地址, 以及不是你独有的人口统计信息, 以及个人敏感信息, 哪些是关于个人种族的信息, ethnic origin, 宗教或哲学信仰, health data, 性取向和刑事定罪.
有关您的计算机的信息将自动收集, 包括IP地址, browser, domain names, 访问次数和参考网站地址. 这些信息有助于UI进行操作, security, and quality of our services and provides general statistics about use of UI’s website.
UI is not responsible for the privacy statements or other content on websites, UI之外的应用程序或社交媒体, 包括到其他网站的链接, 由第三方控制或维护的应用程序或社交媒体. Please be familiar with the privacy statement of each and every service that you visit that collects your information.
UI必须收集和使用您的信息来运营其网站, 应用程序和服务, 为您提供服务, and to inform you of other products or services that are available from UI and its affiliates. UI may contact you to conduct research on current services or potential new services that may be offered in the future. UI不出售、出租或租赁客户名单给第三方.
UI may share data with trusted third parties to assist with statistical analysis, 向您发送电子邮件或邮政邮件, 提供客户支持, 或者安排送货. UI may also share data with trusted third parties who have entered into a contract with UI to support its operations or delivery of services to you.
UI跟踪您在UI中访问的网站和网页. 这些数据用于向那些行为表明他们对特定主题领域感兴趣的人提供定制的内容或广告.
UI将披露您的信息, without notice, if required by law or with the good faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with legal process served on UI, 保护和捍卫用户界面的权利及/或财产, 及保障本网站使用者或公众的人身安全, 履行用户界面合同义务, 包括向您提供的服务. 除非法律允许, UI will not use or disclose personal sensitive information without your consent.
A “cookie” is a small data file written to your device memory or storage that contains information about your visit to a website. 跟踪技术还包括信标, tags and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyze our services.
如果你不想收到饼干, 将浏览器配置为根本不接受它们, 或者在设置新的cookie之前通知并要求您的批准. 这可能会导致某些网站或网页出现故障, 并且/或者您可能必须在每次访问这些网站时提供相同的信息 网站或网页.
Privacy Policy: http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/
Notes: You may opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display network ads by using Google Ad Settings.
收集数据:, interaction data, 与申请和RFI提交有关的个人信息
Privacy Policy: http://technolutions.com/privacy-policy
Privacy Policy: http://www.qualtrics.com/privacy-statement/
Privacy Policy: http://www.siteimprove.com/privacy/dpa/
Privacy Policy: http://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/privacystatement
Privacy Policy: http://www.facebook.com/privacy/policy/
Privacy Policy: http://values.snap.com/privacy/privacy-policy
Privacy Policy: http://privacy.basis.net/
Privacy Policy: http://www.blueconic.com/privacy-policy
Privacy Policy: http://www.thetradedesk.com/us/privacy
Data Collected: Interaction data specific the LinkedIn ads and shared content
Privacy Policy: http://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy
UI和第三方供应商, including Google, 使用cookie一起通知, 根据用户过去访问UI网站的情况来优化广告和投放广告, and to display content-specific advertisements to visitors that have previously visited UI websites when they go to other websites. They are also used to report visitor ad impressions other uses of the ad services, and how interactions with those ad impressions and ad services are related to visits to UI websites.
UI uses data from Google’s interest-based advertising or third-party audience data such as age, 性别与兴趣, 与谷歌分析报告, 优化和投放基于兴趣的广告.
我们承诺确保您的个人资料的安全. 以防止未经授权的访问或披露, we have put in place appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard and secure the personal data we process.
UI可根据需要定期更改本隐私声明, and encourages you to review this 隐私声明 to keep updated on how UI is protecting your information.
If you have comments about this 隐私声明 or believe that UI has not adhered to this 隐私声明, please contact privacy@embankflodata.com.
大学收集包括姓名在内的“个人信息”, email address, ID, user IDs, account numbers, photos and electronic identifiers such as IP addresses or other online identifiers and device IDs.
该大学还收集“个人敏感信息”,,其中包括揭示种族或民族血统的数据, 政治观点, 宗教或哲学信仰, 或者工会会员, 以及基因数据的处理, 用于唯一识别自然人的生物特征数据, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation. Processing of personal sensitive data requires the express informed consent of the data subject.
大学收集和处理个人信息和个人敏感信息只有在必要时,行使大学的合法利益, functions, 作为公立研究型高等教育机构的责任. 当信息提交给以下部门时, 或者你可以使用学校的网站, applications, 以及其他服务, 你同意收集, use, 该信息的披露如下所述. As necessary, 这取决于信息的性质和具体情况, 大学将征得同意收集资料, 使用和披露您的信息.
- Academic Affairs: 数据被收集和共享 with internal and external parties: to analyze and improve UI’s admissions process; for outreach efforts; for processes and functions related to admission as a student; manage an account; provide academic advising; develop and deliver education programs; track academic progress; analyze and improve education programs; recruitment; retention; maintenance of accreditation; for regulatory reporting, auditing, 以及其他相关的大学流程和功能.
- Student Affairs: 数据被收集和共享 with internal and external parties: to provide and administer housing to students; manage a account; provide reasonable accommodations; provide career counseling and placement; administer conduct processes; improve student experience; personalizing the student experience and interactions; marketing; for regulatory reporting, 审计和其他相关的大学流程和职能.
- Graduate School: 数据被收集和共享 with internal and external parties: to analyze and improve UI’s graduate admissions process; for graduate school outreach efforts; for processes and functions related to admission as a graduate student; manage an account; provide academic advising; develop and deliver graduate education programs; track academic progress; analyze and improve graduate education programs; recruitment; retention; maintenance of accreditation; for regulatory reporting, 审计和其他相关的大学流程和职能.
- Athletics: 数据被收集和共享 with internal and external parties: to recruit student-athletes; for processes and functions related to admissions; for processes and functions related to student-athlete eligibility; manage student-athlete academic accounts; provide academic advising; manage athlete health and training; track academic progress; for regulatory reporting, 审计和其他相关的大学流程和职能.
- 国际项目: 数据被收集和共享 with internal and external parties to support admission of foreign students and scholars; employment of individuals from foreign countries; support study abroad, faculty exchange, and student exchange programs; enter into and execute agreements with foreign higher education institutions; identify activities of interest; for regulatory reporting, 审计和其他相关的大学流程和职能.
- 人体实验研究: 数据被收集和共享, 符合人体实验研究的规律, with internal and external parties to conduct studies with research subjects in the exercise of scientific, 历史研究, and/or statistical purposes; for regulatory reporting, auditing, 以及其他相关的大学流程和功能.
- 大学发展: 数据被收集和共享 with internal and external parties to manage relationships with UI; better serve individual interests by personalizing experiences and interactions; marketing and fundraising purposes; for regulatory reporting, 审计和其他相关的大学流程和职能.
- Human Resources: 数据被收集和共享 with internal and external parties: to consider an applicant for employment; perform background checks; administer an employment contract, including payroll and benefits; provide reasonable accommodations; assess capacity to work; analyze and improve hiring practices; for regulatory reporting, auditing, 以及其他相关的大学流程和功能.
- 财务及行政: 数据被收集和共享 with internal and external parties: to administer accounts; perform contracts; administer receipts and payments; analyze and improve cash and credit transaction processes; apply for financial aid and scholarships; for regulatory reporting, 审计和其他相关的大学流程和职能.
- General Use: 数据被收集和共享 with internal and external parties: to conduct general demographic and statistical research to improve university programs; identify appropriate support services or activities; enforce university policies and/or comply with applicable laws; for regulatory reporting, 审计和其他相关的大学流程和职能.
The university may use and disclose Personal Information and Personal Sensitive Information as follows:
- Consent: 同意这样做, unless applicable law permits such data to be collected and processed without consent.
- 紧急情况: 必要时, 在UI的唯一判断, the individual is physically or legally incapable of providing consent and/or such disclosure is necessary to protect the health, safety, 或任何个人的财产.
- 家长及监护人: When necessary because of an emergency or to complete the admissions/financial aid process.
- 就业的必要性: When necessary for administering employment or benefits, in accordance with applicable law.
- 慈善组织: With the UI Foundation and other organizations in connection with charitable giving.
- 公共信息: 如果当事人明确将其公之于众.
- Archiving: For archiving purposes in the public interest, and for 历史研究, and statistical purposes.
- 法律责任: 当国际社会要求或允许披露时, federal, 以及国家法律法规.
- 合同义务: 为履行个人作为一方当事人的合同,或为在订立合同前应个人要求采取措施,有必要披露资料.
- 服务提供商: When a third party has entered into a contract with the university to support the administration of university services, 业务和政策.
- 大学附属项目: With parties that are affiliated with the university for the purpose of contacting individuals about goods, services, 慈善捐赠或个人可能感兴趣的经历.
- 去识别和汇总信息: 不受限制地以去识别或聚合的形式.
Your Rights
对于我们持有的有关您的个人信息,您拥有某些权利, 由当地法律或法规设立并受其约束的. 这些可能包括访问权, correct, delete, 限制或反对我们使用, or receive a portable copy in a usable electronic format of your personal information. You also may have a right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection or privacy regulator. These rights may be governed by the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 家庭教育隐私权法案(FERPA), 健康保险流通与责任法案(HIPAA), as applicable.
We also make automated decisions about you based on your personal information to deliver personalized offers or services. 您可以365滚球官网反对使用自动分析.
如果你有任何抱怨, questions, 或希望对您的数据行使您的权利, please contact privacy@embankflodata.com. 请注意,大学可能会要求您提供额外的信息来验证您的身份,并确认您寻求行使的权利是否适用于您和您的数据.
最后更新:二月. 2023